
Finally sleep well even in the heat: the E.COOLINE Powercool SX3 comforter provides you with cooling in high temperatures whenever and wherever you need it. The actively cooling comforter ensures a restful sleep in the heat and increases your regeneration during the night, so you can start the next day fit and able to perform. You feel fresher in the heat, can concentrate better and have more energy.

The  cooling summer blanket caresses you airy, wonderfully light and with the perfect, pleasantly dry sleeping climate as in an air-conditioned luxury hotel, ensuring incomparable sleeping experiences.

Especially suitable is the cooling blanket not only when sleeping, but also whenever you want to cool down a large area. Also for people with heat problems, such as multiple sclerosis patients or quadriplegics, the cooling bedding offers a simple, fast and effective way to counteract exhaustion (fatigue), loss of performance and health complaints.

Simply spray the parts that need to cool with cold tap water using the spray bottle provided. This gives you complete flexibility and allows you to specifically cool the areas that are important to you.

Size: 200 x 135 cm

Wash the product separately, either by hand or in the washing machine (gentle cycle, at 30° and a maximum spin speed of 400 rpm). Only use a PH-neutral detergent (such as DEOXX or TOKO Wash). Do not tumble dry the product and do not wring it out. The product should be stored hanging in a dry place. Do not store the water-activated product in a closed bag/container.




General Information
HSコード 63079098
製品ブランド E.COOLINE
発送国 ドイツ
材料 upper: 100% polyester, mesh material: 83% polyester /17% spandex, Insert: 100% COOLINE polyester.
Blue, White
カスタマイズ可能 はい
注意事項 なし
Tags heat stress, cooling, temperature reduction, sleep cooling, multiple sclerosis, MS, fatigue, cardiovascular system, COPD, quadriplegics, overheating, Uhthoff phenomenon, menopause, cooling blanket for people, cooling blanket for sleeping, cooling cloth, cooling blanket, human, summer blanket, self-cooling blanket
Environmental information
会社のCSR証明書 Climate Partners
環境認証のタイトル Caring for Climate, Developement and Climate Alliance, Cool Coalition, green cooling initiative, Sustainable Impact Award
