Jarsh ActivCooling Helmet with Inbuilt Battery - Clear Visor

Jarsh Innovations Private Limited

Referencia: ACHWGCYI

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Descripción de Producto

ActivCooling is a Wearable Air Cooling and Heating system fitted into a certified hardhat/helmet. The cooling technology is proprietary in nature making the product the world's first air-conditioned headgear.

The patented cooling system is designed to provide portable ventilation in areas where ambient temperature lie between 40°C and 60°C. 

ActivCooling is designed to improve the lives of users working in locations with low ventilation and high temperature, particularly during harsh summer and winter when extreme weather conditions coupled with extreme working environment plays havoc with both psychological and physical condition of the user, affecting productivity.

Colour: White

Visor: Clear

Run Time: 2 Hours

Charging Time: 1 Hour

Información del producto

General Information
Etiquetas seleccionadas smart product
Código HS 65061010
Producto de marca Jarsh
País de expedición India
Materiales PPCP
Colores White
Precaución Class 9 : Miscellaneous
Tags AC Helmet
Technical certifications and standards
Nombres estándar EN 397, IS 2925
Estándares internacionales (prueba documental)
Sizes and measurements information
Peso neto del producto 1.81
Longitud del producto 31
Ancho neto del producto 24
Altura neta del producto 22.5

Lista de evaluación