Ref: E3762-106

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Description of the Product

PPE with electrostatic dissipation to prevent incendiary discharges.

Fire and flame retardant undergarment, the purpose of the flame-retardant treatment is to extinguish the flame quickly to prevent it from spreading throughout the garment.

Note: does not protect against glowing splashes or molten material.

• Long-sleeved T-shirt
• Flame retardant ribbed cuffs
• Rounded neckline.

Product Information

General Information
HS code 62032310
Country of dispatch France
Materials 43% Cotton, 55% Protex, 2% Negastat
Customizable No
Precaution None
Tags PPE
Technical certifications and standards
Standard names EN 1149-5, EN ISO 11612 A1 A2 B1 C1
Environmental information
Company CSR Certificates ECOVADIS Silver
Sizes and measurements information
Product net weight 0.39

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