Ref: E6100

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Description of the Product

Aluminised gaiters with spring-closure systems are recommended for intermittent use because they are easy to put on and take off.

For extended or continuous wear, we recommend lighter aluminised gaiters with a velcro fastener (article n° E6200-000).

• Gaiters with with holding strap beneath the sole (strap breaks easily in case of snagging to avoid a fall)
Spring-closure systems (easy to put on and remove the gaiters), crust-leather lining
• Soft metal bar to be bent “into shape” before first use to fit the rounding of the top of the instep to prevent the gaiters from turning
• 100% Kevlar® thread seams®
• Standard height of 36 cm.

Product Information

General Information
Selected Tags Aluminized
HS code 62104000
Country of dispatch France
Materials Aluminised para-aramid
Customizable No
Precaution None
Tags PPE
Technical certifications and standards
Standard names EN ISO 11612A1 B1 C3 D3 E3 F1
Environmental information
Company CSR Certificates ECOVADIS Silver
Sizes and measurements information
Product net weight 1.31

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